Manufacturing Destinations
Excellent Timing for Investors
Potential investors in China now find exceptionally good conditions. Competition among industrial sites is fierce. European companies in particular are heavily courted and are able to negotiate the best conditions. Some Development Zones score points with innovative concepts. For example, the city of Pinghu offers an incubator for start-ups. In a prime location in Shanghai's new business district Hongqiao CBD, future investors can first set up a sales office, and later expand in Pinghu with their own production.
Are you looking for a location with attractive conditions tailored to your business? Contact us right away.
Friedrichstr. 3
D-72072 Tübingen
Tel. +49 7071 709 2413
Fax +49 7071 760 9539 ·
Inhaber: Christoph Hoene
Finanzamt Göppingen
St-Nr.: 63231/12200
Bildnachweis: eigene Aufnahmen, Fotolia
Rechtliche Hinweise
1. Inhalt des Onlineangebotes
Hoene Consult, übernimmt keinerlei Gewähr für die Aktualität, Korrektheit, Vollständigkeit oder Qualität der bereitgestellten Informationen. Haftungsansprüche gegen Hoene Consult, welche sich auf Schäden materieller oder ideeller Art beziehen, die durch die Nutzung oder Nichtnutzung der dargebotenen Informationen bzw. durch die Nutzung fehlerhafter und unvollständiger Informationen verursacht wurden, sind grundsätzlich ausgeschlossen, sofern seitens Hoene Consult kein nachweislich vorsätzliches oder grob fahrlässiges Verschulden vorliegt. Alle Angebote sind freibleibend und unverbindlich. Hoene Consult behält es sich ausdrücklich vor, Teile der Seiten oder das gesamte Angebot ohne gesonderte Ankündigung zu verändern, zu ergänzen, zu löschen oder die Veröffentlichung zeitweise oder endgültig einzustellen.
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3. Urheber- und Kennzeichenrecht
Hoene Consult ist bestrebt, in allen Publikationen die Urheberrechte der verwendeten Grafiken, Tondokumente, Videosequenzen und Texte zu beachten, von ihm selbst erstellte Grafiken, Tondokumente, Videosequenzen und Texte zu nutzen oder auf lizenzfreie Grafiken, Tondokumente, Videosequenzen und Texte zurückzugreifen. Alle innerhalb des Internetangebotes genannten und ggf. durch Dritte geschützten Marken- und Warenzeichen unterliegen uneingeschränkt den Bestimmungen des jeweils gültigen Kennzeichenrechts und den Besitzrechten der jeweiligen eingetragenen Eigentümer. Allein aufgrund der bloßen Nennung ist nicht der Schluss zu ziehen, dass Markenzeichen nicht durch Rechte Dritter geschützt sind! Das Copyright für veröffentlichte, von Hoene Consult selbst erstellte Objekte bleibt allein bei Hoene Consult. Eine Vervielfältigung oder Verwendung solcher Grafiken, Tondokumente, Videosequenzen und Texte in anderen elektronischen oder gedruckten Publikationen ist ohne ausdrückliche Zustimmung durch Hoene Consult nicht gestattet.
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Sofern innerhalb des Internetangebotes die Möglichkeit zur Eingabe persönlicher oder geschäftlicher Daten (Emailadressen, Namen, Anschriften) besteht, so erfolgt die Preisgabe dieser Daten seitens des Nutzers auf ausdrücklich freiwilliger Basis. Die Inanspruchnahme und Bezahlung aller angebotenen Dienste ist - soweit technisch möglich und zumutbar - auch ohne Angabe solcher Daten bzw. unter Angabe anonymisierter Daten oder eines Pseudonyms gestattet.
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Dieser Haftungsausschluss ist als Teil des Internetangebotes zu betrachten, von dem aus auf diese Seite verwiesen wurde. Sofern Teile oder einzelne Formulierungen dieses Textes der geltenden Rechtslage nicht, nicht mehr oder nicht vollständig entsprechen sollten, bleiben die übrigen Teile des Dokumentes in ihrem Inhalt und ihrer Gültigkeit davon unberührt.
Google Analytics
Diese Website benutzt Google Analytics, einen Webanalysedienst der Google Inc. (“Google”). Google Analytics verwendet sog. “Cookies”, Textdateien, die auf Ihrem Computer gespeichert werden und die eine Analyse der Benutzung der Website durch Sie ermöglicht. Die durch die Cookies erzeugten Informationen über Ihre Benutzung dieser Website (einschließlich Ihrer IP-Adresse) werden an einen Server von Google in die USA übertragen und dort gespeichert.
Google wird diese Informationen benutzen, um Ihre Nutzung der Website auszuwerten, um Reports über die Websiteaktivitäten für die Websitebetreiber zusammenzustellen und um weitere mit der Websitenutzung und der Internetnutzung verbundenen Dienstleistungen zu erbringen. Auch wird Google diese Informationen gegebenenfalls an Dritte übertragen, sofern dies gesetzlich vorgeschrieben oder soweit Dritte diese Daten im Auftrag von Google verarbeiten. Google wird in keinem Fall Ihre IP-Adresse mit anderen Daten von Google in Verbindung bringen.
Der Nutzer hat jedoch die Möglichkeit, diese Funktion innerhalb des jeweiligen Webbrowsers zu deaktivieren. In diesem Fall kann es jedoch zu Einschränkungen der Bedienbarkeit dieser Website kommen.
Copyright © 2017 - Hoene Consult
Webdesign & Programmierung: bodon, konzeption und gestaltung
Personal data (usually referred to just as "data" below) will only be processed by us to the extent necessary and for the purpose of providing a functional and user-friendly website, including its contents, and the services offered there.
Per Art. 4 No. 1 of Regulation (EU) 2016/679, i.e. the General Data Protection Regulation (hereinafter referred to as the "GDPR"), "processing" refers to any operation or set of operations such as collection, recording, organization, structuring, storage, adaptation, alteration, retrieval, consultation, use, disclosure by transmission, dissemination, or otherwise making available, alignment, or combination, restriction, erasure, or destruction performed on personal data, whether by automated means or not.
The following privacy policy is intended to inform you in particular about the type, scope, purpose, duration, and legal basis for the processing of such data either under our own control or in conjunction with others. We also inform you below about the third-party components we use to optimize our website and improve the user experience which may result in said third parties also processing data they collect and control.
Our privacy policy is structured as follows:
I. Information about us as controllers of your data
II. The rights of users and data subjects
III. Information about the data processing
The party responsible for this website (the "controller") for purposes of data protection law is:
Hoene Consult GmbH
Friedrichstr. 3
D-72072 Tübingen
Tel. +49 7071 709 2413
Fax +49 7071 760 9539
The controller's data protection officer is:
Christoph Hoene
With regard to the data processing to be described in more detail below, users and data subjects have the right
In addition, the controller is obliged to inform all recipients to whom it discloses data of any such corrections, deletions, or restrictions placed on processing the same per Art. 16, 17 Para. 1, 18 GDPR. However, this obligation does not apply if such notification is impossible or involves a disproportionate effort. Nevertheless, users have a right to information about these recipients.
Likewise, under Art. 21 GDPR, users and data subjects have the right to object to the controller's future processing of their data pursuant to Art. 6 Para. 1 lit. f) GDPR. In particular, an objection to data processing for the purpose of direct advertising is permissible.
Your data processed when using our website will be deleted or blocked as soon as the purpose for its storage ceases to apply, provided the deletion of the same is not in breach of any statutory storage obligations or unless otherwise stipulated below.
For technical reasons, the following data sent by your internet browser to us or to our server provider will be collected, especially to ensure a secure and stable website: These server log files record the type and version of your browser, operating system, the website from which you came (referrer URL), the webpages on our site visited, the date and time of your visit, as well as the IP address from which you visited our site.
The data thus collected will be temporarily stored, but not in association with any other of your data.
The basis for this storage is Art. 6 Para. 1 lit. f) GDPR. Our legitimate interest lies in the improvement, stability, functionality, and security of our website.
The data will be deleted within no more than seven days, unless continued storage is required for evidentiary purposes. In which case, all or part of the data will be excluded from deletion until the investigation of the relevant incident is finally resolved.
a) Session cookies
We use cookies on our website. Cookies are small text files or other storage technologies stored on your computer by your browser. These cookies process certain specific information about you, such as your browser, location data, or IP address.
This processing makes our website more user-friendly, efficient, and secure, allowing us, for example, to display our website in different languages or to offer a shopping cart function.
The legal basis for such processing is Art. 6 Para. 1 lit. b) GDPR, insofar as these cookies are used to collect data to initiate or process contractual relationships.
If the processing does not serve to initiate or process a contract, our legitimate interest lies in improving the functionality of our website. The legal basis is then Art. 6 Para. 1 lit. f) GDPR.
When you close your browser, these session cookies are deleted.
b) Third-party cookies
If necessary, our website may also use cookies from companies with whom we cooperate for the purpose of advertising, analyzing, or improving the features of our website.
Please refer to the following information for details, in particular for the legal basis and purpose of such third-party collection and processing of data collected through cookies.
c) Disabling cookies
You can refuse the use of cookies by changing the settings on your browser. Likewise, you can use the browser to delete cookies that have already been stored. However, the steps and measures required vary, depending on the browser you use. If you have any questions, please use the help function or consult the documentation for your browser or contact its maker for support. Browser settings cannot prevent so-called flash cookies from being set. Instead, you will need to change the setting of your Flash player. The steps and measures required for this also depend on the Flash player you are using. If you have any questions, please use the help function or consult the documentation for your Flash player or contact its maker for support.
If you prevent or restrict the installation of cookies, not all of the functions on our site may be fully usable.
If you contact us via email or the contact form, the data you provide will be used for the purpose of processing your request. We must have this data in order to process and answer your inquiry; otherwise we will not be able to answer it in full or at all.
The legal basis for this data processing is Art. 6 Para. 1 lit. b) GDPR.
Your data will be deleted once we have fully answered your inquiry and there is no further legal obligation to store your data, such as if an order or contract resulted therefrom.
We use Google Analytics on our website. This is a web analytics service provided by Google Inc., 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043 (hereinafter: Google).
Through certification according to the EU-US Privacy Shield Google guarantees that it will follow the EU's data protection regulations when processing data in the United States.
The Google Analytics service is used to analyze how our website is used. The legal basis is Art. 6 Para. 1 lit. f) GDPR. Our legitimate interest lies in the analysis, optimization, and economic operation of our site.
Usage and user-related information, such as IP address, place, time, or frequency of your visits to our website will be transmitted to a Google server in the United States and stored there. However, we use Google Analytics with the so-called anonymization function, whereby Google truncates the IP address within the EU or the EEA before it is transmitted to the US.
The data collected in this way is in turn used by Google to provide us with an evaluation of visits to our website and what visitors do once there. This data can also be used to provide other services related to the use of our website and of the internet in general.
Google states that it will not connect your IP address to other data. In addition, Google provides further information with regard to its data protection practices at including options you can exercise to prevent such use of your data.
In addition, Google offers an opt-out add-on at in addition with further information. This add-on can be installed on the most popular browsers and offers you further control over the data that Google collects when you visit our website. The add-on informs Google Analytics' JavaScript (ga.js) that no information about the website visit should be transmitted to Google Analytics. However, this does not prevent information from being transmitted to us or to other web analytics services we may use as detailed herein.
Model Data Protection Statement for Anwaltskanzlei Weiß & Partner